Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wiley Dog: Another Birthday came and went and no...

Celebration!!! What's up with that? My mom called the Waco Trib and those two-legged creatures thought she was lyin' I guess. And I was expecting some big party with all the steak and potatoes and all the fixins'. What's this world comin' to??

Oh well. In the meantime, here's a video taken of me a month before my birthday. I know it's cheezy cause all you see is my chewed up back, me waggin' my tail 100 miles an hour (as usual) and my mom and aunt Jen's feet. They were having some conversation about a weed wacker of some sorts. I wonder if that's some sort of lawn tool that boxes weeds? Hummm???

I promise to get Aunt Maryee to update this dang blog so ya'll will know what I have been up to. It's been one DOG GONE HOT summer here in Texas. Shhhheezzzz!

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